Analisis Sentimen Terhadap Jasa Ekspedisi Pos Indonesia Pada Sosial Media Twitter Menggunakan Naïve Bayes Classifier
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Nowdays, the rapid growth of information technology positively impacts companies engaged in industry, sales, and services, especially e-commerce. The increase in the number of transactions in various e-commerce impacts the increase in the use of expedition services. Pos Indonesia is the oldest expedition service provider in Indonesia and is required to be able to innovate in providing the best service for its customers. The importance of customers for a company depends on how the company builds customer relationships. A strong company will have good customer relations. Many customers have expressed their opinions regarding Pos Indonesia through Twitter. In this study, text mining techniques are used, namely sentiment analysis which helps analyze opinions, sentiments, evaluations, assessments, attitudes, and public emotions towards Pos Indonesia services. Naïve Bayes Classifier was chosen because it is simple, fast, and has high accuracy. The Naïve Bayes Classifier has successfully classified positive and negative sentiments on 100 tweets from Pos Indonesia customers with an accuracy of 87%.
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