Journal Software, Hardware and Information Technology <p><strong>Journal SHIFT (Software, Hardware, and Information Technology)</strong> is published by the Department of Information System, Faculty of Science and Technology, State Islamic University Alauddin of Makassar.</p> Jurusan Sistem Informasi Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar en-US Journal Software, Hardware and Information Technology 2808-3385 Rancang Bangun Layanan Jaringan Dokumentasi dan Informasi Hukum Menggunakan Framework Laravel Berbasis Web <p><em>The Legal Documentation and Information Network (JDIH) serves a pivotal role in facilitating access to various legal products. This study aims to design and develop a web-based JDIH service using the Laravel framework, implemented at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Halu Oleo University. Laravel was selected for its efficiency, ease of management, and support for a Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture suitable for structured legal information systems. The development process follows the Waterfall methodology, encompassing stages of requirements analysis, system design, implementation, and testing. The research resulted in a JDIH web application designed to facilitate legal information retrieval. The application includes features such as account management, regulatory documentation, abstracts, categories, tags, publication years, and document search and download functionality, accessible to the public. The system is administered by two user types: full-access administrators and sub-administrators with restricted management rights for legal content. Black-box testing confirms that all application features and functionalities perform according to specified requirements. This application is expected to enhance the management and retrieval of legal information within the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, contributing to more efficient access and dissemination of legal resources</em></p> Muhammad Mirlani Gunawan Gunawan La Surimi Copyright (c) 2025 Journal Software, Hardware and Information Technology 2025-01-30 2025-01-30 5 1 1 14 10.24252/shift.v5i1.148 Pengembangan Sistem Pakar Coping Stress Berdasarkan Tipe Kepribadian Menggunakan Metode Certainty Factor <p class="p1"><em>This study aims to develop an expert system for stress management that integrates individual personality types using the Certainty Factor (CF) method. Stress management refers to an individual’s response to stress, influenced by their personality type, which determines the effectiveness of coping strategies. The CF method quantifies the confidence level in the decisions made by the system. The expert system identifies personality types based on user responses to a questionnaire or test, subsequently providing tailored stress management recommendations. The system was developed using the Waterfall methodology, incorporating CF analysis, Black Box Testing, accuracy evaluation, and User Acceptance Testing (UAT). The system accommodates four personality types and 94 traits, allowing users to select traits they identify with, each carrying a weight to determine personality classification. Black Box Testing confirmed the functionality of all features. Accuracy analysis yielded a result of 62.16%, reflecting the system’s moderate precision in diagnosing personality types. UAT results scored 87.18%, categorized as “good,” indicating strong user acceptance and satisfaction. This system demonstrates the potential for assisting individuals in managing stress effectively by aligning strategies with their personality profiles.</em></p> Annisa A Julianti Andi Tenriawaru Ferdinan Murni Hamundu Riansyah Tohamba Ilham Julian Efendi Copyright (c) 2025 Journal Software, Hardware and Information Technology 2025-01-30 2025-01-30 5 1 15 30 10.24252/shift.v5i1.150 Perancangan Website Pemesanan Event Organizer Ulang Tahun CV. Alinea Birthday Club <p><em><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">In the current era of globalization, technology and communication are developing rapidly so that everything is practical and fast. Modern technology offers an online ordering system. However, there are still event organizers, especially in the Pangkalpinang area, whose systems are still manual. In general, consumers have to make a date first to order an event organizer. Based on the discussion above, the aim of the author's research is to create an event organizer booking system using the Website-Based Waterfall Method. This is so that it can be accessed easily using a smartphone. Research data was collected by conducting interviews with event organizers and direct observation at the target location. This system design has 2 actors, namely the buyer and the admin. Based on the results of research and analysis carried out by the author, this waterfall development model provides a structured system framework for designing the development of an event organizer booking system</span></span></em></p> zaitun khodijah Bela Astuti Muhamad Dwi Cahya Wicaksana Muhamad Rehan Firmansyah Muhammad Habib Assobry Zidan Zidan Ahmad Ramadani Putri Mentari Endraswari Copyright (c) 2025 Journal Software, Hardware and Information Technology 2025-01-30 2025-01-30 5 1 31 38 10.24252/shift.v5i1.158 Metode Algoritma Logistic Regression dalam Klasifikasi Email Spam <p>This study aims to implement the Logistic Regression algorithm in spam email classification using an experimental method. Using a dataset of 4,073 emails categorized as spam and non-spam, the research involves several stages, including data preprocessing, feature extraction using the TF-IDF method, and the application of Logistic Regression for classification. The experimental evaluation of the model shows excellent performance with an accuracy of 98%, along with precision, recall, and F1-Score of 98% each. The model successfully classifies spam and non-spam emails with minimal errors, making it an effective solution for filtering unwanted emails and preventing data breaches and phishing attacks. This research demonstrates that Logistic Regression, validated through experimental analysis, is a reliable and efficient method for spam email classification and can be applied in real-world email filtering systems.</p> Asep Purnama Dini Hamidin Copyright (c) 2025 Journal Software, Hardware and Information Technology 2025-01-30 2025-01-30 5 1 39 47 10.24252/shift.v5i1.159 Penerapan Algoritma Kriptografi Advanced Encryption Standard 128 Pada Laporan Transaksi Di Kopi Tuku <p><em>Data security is an important aspect in information management, especially in business transactions involving sensitive data such as financial reports. This study aims to apply the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) 128-bit cryptographic algorithm to transaction report data at Kopi Tuku. AES 128-bit was chosen because of its ability to provide strong and efficient data encryption, with a high level of security and adequate processing speed. In this study, transaction data was taken from the Kopi Tuku sales system and encrypted using AES 128-bit to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access. The encryption and decryption processes were tested to ensure data integrity and security. The results showed that the implementation of AES 128-bit successfully maintained the confidentiality and security of transaction data without reducing system performance. This study concludes that the AES 128-bit algorithm is an effective solution to improve transaction data security in the coffee industry, especially in small and medium-sized businesses such as Kopi Tuku.</em></p> Mufti Mufti Yudi Wiharto Subandi Subandi Copyright (c) 2025 Journal Software, Hardware and Information Technology 2025-01-30 2025-01-30 5 1 48 60 10.24252/shift.v5i1.147 Perancangan sistem E-Learning berbasis website untuk mendukung pembelajaran di SDN kalaki <p><em>Technology plays a significant role in enhancing the quality of education, especially in remote areas such as SDN Kalaki. This school faces challenges like inadequate infrastructure and distractions from non-academic activities, such as horse racing, which divert students' focus from education. This study aims to design and develop a web-based e-learning information system accessible to students and teachers from various locations. The system is designed to improve teacher-student interaction and increase learning interest. The research employs a prototyping approach, involving interviews, observations, and iterative development. The results indicate that the developed e-learning system effectively enhances the efficiency of the learning process and provides a relevant solution to the limitations of educational access in the region.</em></p> Wenti Ayu Wahyuni Fahrurrazikin Fahrurrazikin Zaeniah Zaeniah Copyright (c) 2025 Journal Software, Hardware and Information Technology 2025-01-30 2025-01-30 5 1 61 71 10.24252/shift.v5i1.163