Journal Software, Hardware and Information Technology 2024-01-30T13:10:45+00:00 Nahrun Hartono Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Journal SHIFT (Software, Hardware, and Information Technology)</strong> is published by the Department of Information System, Faculty of Science and Technology, State Islamic University Alauddin of Makassar.</p> Penggunaan Usability Testing Sebagai Metode Evaluasi Website E-Learning Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta 2023-10-21T01:49:28+00:00 Naqiyyah Tasya Puspita <p><em>E-Learning UTY has been developed using one of the popular Open Source LMS platforms, namely Moodle. The purpose of developing E-Learning UTY is to provide supporting facilities in the academic process. This study aims to assess the usability level of the E-Learning UTY website using the SUS method. The study involved 26 respondents, and a SUS score of 76.4 was obtained. This score places the E-Learning UTY website in the grade category of B+, indicating a good and acceptable adjective rating. However, users are not yet able to recommend the E-Learning UTY website to others as they are still in the passive user stage rather than being promoters. To enhance user experience, improvements are needed, especially in the interface of the E-Learning UTY website to make it more user-friendly and improve the usability of its features. Overall, the E-Learning UTY website has provided satisfactory user satisfaction.</em></p> 2024-01-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Software, Hardware and Information Technology Implementasi NodeMCU dan Blynk Dalam Sistem Pendeteksi Kebakaran Berbasis IoT 2023-10-17T01:37:35+00:00 Nurlaily Asronika Alifiyul Akyun Nadhifah Lutfiyah Mahmudah Rofiqoh Wahyuningtyas Agung Nugroho Pramudhita <p>Fires can cause material losses and human lives. Therefore, an effective fire early detection system is needed to prevent greater losses. In this research, ESP8266 is used as a microcontroller to connect fire detection sensors such as KY-026 Fire Sensor and MQ-2 Smoke Sensor. This early fire detection system is also equipped with a buzzer as an alarm and NodeMCU as a platform to connect the system to the Internet network and Blynk as a medium to provide real-time fire notifications to users. Tests were conducted by comparing the response time and accuracy of fire detection at different distances. The test results show that the fire early detection system built has an average response time of 2 seconds and a detection accuracy rate of 95%.</p> 2024-01-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Software, Hardware and Information Technology Model DeLone and McLean Dalam Mengukur Kesuksesan E-Akreditasi Lembaga Kesejaterahan Sosial 2023-10-17T01:35:47+00:00 Subandi Yudi Wiharto Djati Kusdiarto <table width="586"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="380"> <p><em>This research adapts the Delone and McLean model which was originally used to measure the success of information systems into a framework that is appropriate to the context of E-Accreditation. The model consists of three main dimensions, namely system quality, information quality, and user satisfaction. Relevant variables in the context of E-Accreditation will be identified and integrated into this model. This research aims to develop and test the Delone and McLean model in the context of measuring the success of E-Accreditation of Social Welfare Institutions. E-Accreditation is a system used by social welfare institutions to measure and ensure the quality of the services they provide to the community. The success of E-Accreditation is very important in increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of these institutions in fulfilling their duties. The research method that will be used is a survey of E-Accreditation users in social welfare institutions. Data will be analyzed using appropriate statistical techniques to test the relationship between variables in the adapted Delone and McLean model. The results of this research can provide a better understanding of the factors that influence the success of E-Accreditation in the context of social welfare institutions.</em></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 2024-01-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Software, Hardware and Information Technology Analisis Kualitas Layanan Jaringan Internet Berbasis Wireless LAN 2023-11-22T03:36:27+00:00 Andi Muhammad t Nur Hidaya Leniawati Leniawati <p>The development of information and communication technologies has successfully created new technologies that we call Internet technologies. One of the Internet Service Provider (ISP) service providers in Indonesia that is often used is PT. Telkom. Besides, Telkom currently has a product namely Indihome, that offers a package of communications and data services such as home phones, interactive television services and also internet that can be used wirelessly. A wireless-based network application must have a service standard known as Quality Of Service (QoS), where this service aims to analyze the WirelessLan internet network on the indihome service and to find out the quality of the wirelessLAN internet on the Indihome service. This study demonstrates the performance of the network by performing the Action Research (AR) method by measuring the parameters of throughput, package loss and delay using wireshark applications. The results of this study are QoS measurement data on Indihome services based on Tiphon standardization with the average value of the third parameter index of 3.1. Based on the results of the measurement, at network Warkop 27 are in the medium category of the Tiphon Standardization.</p> 2024-01-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Software, Hardware and Information Technology Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penentuan Dakian Gunung Di Pulau Jawa Menggunakan Fuzzy Logic Mamdani 2023-12-07T05:07:45+00:00 Nurmala Nurmala Tri Hastono Siti Nuraitul Janah <p>Mountain climbing is an activity with a relatively high level of danger that requires climbers to walk in the forest and spend quite a long time with increasingly low oxygen levels and very cold temperatures that can even reach 0 degrees Celsius. In this research, decisions play an important role in determining mountain climbing routes. especially on the island of Java which has a variety of mountains with different characteristics, therefore we help climbers in choosing mountain climbs that suit their individual preferences and personal conditions. The method used is Mamdani's Fuzzy Logic which can overcome uncertainty and complexity of information in decision making. To collect data regarding height, distance, track length and climbing costs, namely through interviews and related analysis. Fuzzy Logic Mamdani is implemented to manage and process related data and can produce output in the form of recommendations for climbing routes. This fuzzy model can integrate environmental variables, such as height, distance, cost and track length.</p> 2024-01-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Software, Hardware and Information Technology Penentuan Produksi Kerajinan Gerabah Guci Menggunakan Metode Fuzzy Mamdani 2023-12-07T07:01:47+00:00 Azzahra Rahmawati Sunaryo Tri Hastono Nevanda Abelia <table> <tbody> <tr> <td class="s18"> <div> <p class="s15"><span class="s23">Jar crafts are works of art that are very popular. Jar crafts are also very useful, whether as room decoration or as storage containers. Manufacturers often have difficulty determining the optimal production number of jars. Mamdani fuzzy logic in this research is used to solve problems. The data obtained was processed manually or using </span><span class="s23">Matlab</span><span class="s23"> R2019b. This research aims to determine the amount of production using inventory, demand and production variables. In the Mamdani method, to get results, the following stages are required: (a) Fuzzification, (b) Application of the implication function, (c) Rule composition, (d) Defuzzification using the centroid method. From the results of calculations using the Mamdani fuzzy method, the optimum production amount was 83.73.</span></p> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 2024-01-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Software, Hardware and Information Technology